Thursday, November 14, 2013

Inspirational Artist - Monet

Paintings envelop you in a feeling portrayed by the artist.  My favorite paintings that evoke a lovely feeling are by Claude Monet.  If you're not familiar by his work already, enjoy the colors and scenes of the impressionist era.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet was born in Paris Nov. 14th 1840.  At age 11, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts.  He studied under Jacques-Francois Ochard,  and was later mentored by Eugene Boudin.

Painting by: Jacques-Francois Ochard

Painting by: Eugene Boudin

Impressionist Paintings:

Impressionism was actually named after one of Monet's paintings: "Impression, Soleil Levant" (Impression, Sunrise).

Impression, Soleil Levant (Monet)

Characteristics of Impressionist paintings:

  • Small,Thin, yet visible brush strokes
  • Open composition
  • Emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities
  • Ordinary subject matter
  • Movement depicted as a crucial element of human perception
  • Unusual visual angles

Monet's Work:

Boat Studio (Monet)

Monet used a 'boat studio' to create his pieces from the center of the pond.  His better known paintings depict waterlilies, ponds, and bridges over water, although his work spanned countries with many different landscapes and sometimes portraits as well.

Moni's Monet:

I created this for a class as an art appreciation piece.  I layered and melded together elements of myself admiring his work, with one of my favorite Monet paintings.


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